Muhammad Najem

Difficult Conditions for Elderly in Camps

Difficult Conditions for Elderly in Camps


This is Abdullah Al-Mohammed, 70 years old. He lives in a tent with his elderly wife.
He is blind and crippled, unable to walk for 15 or 20 years.
If water or snow gets in the tent, he can do nothing to stop it or help remove it.
If snakes or scorpions enter the tent, he is at their mercy as he can’t see them or move quickly to get away from them.
He and his wife have no one there to help them. His wife goes to work to be able to afford bread for them, but that leaves him alone in the tent.
When the tent fell on him, the neighbors had to rescue him.
He speaks of the severe weather that the tent doesn’t protect them from: intense heat, and brutal cold.
There are many elderly people like this, living in impossible conditions in these tents, in camps with no services, no help, and no hope.


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