Muhammad Najem

Muhammad Najem

I am from the Eastern city of Ghouta in Syria

Latest Videos

A New Dawn for the Middle East: From War

The Stolen Childhoods of Syria: A Legacy of Pain

“Caesar Act” What’s REALLY Holding Back Syria’s Recovery?

From Despair to Hope: A Syrian’s Journey to Freedom

Syria’s NEW ERA of Freedom Has Finally Arrived!

The Enduring Struggle of the Syrian People

The Shocking Reality of Chemical Warfare Nobody Wants You

I Survived War as a Child Here’s What I


Muhammed Najem My story on Al Hurra channel

UN to Abandon the Fate of 4 Million Syrians

El activista en #Turquía Muhammad Najem

Los detalles sobre las noticias que ‘sacudieron’ la agenda

No hay equipo para ayudar a todos los heridos”:

Doğu Guta’da 15 yaşındayken gazeteciliğe başlayan Suriyeli savaş muhabiri

أعجبت فيه أنجلينا جولي وستدرس قصته في الولايات المتحدة

تجربة شاب سوري ضمن كتاب للنجمة العالمية أنجلينا جولي