Muhammad Najem

Don’t Suffocate the Truth لا تخنقوا الحقيقة

Don’t Suffocate the Truth لا تخنقوا الحقيقة


The Assad tyrants have ruled Syria as brutal murderers for many years. Bashar al Assad took over the job after his father Hafez died.


In 2011 he used peaceful protests as excuses to continue his father’s legacy–to murder, maim, torture, bomb, and displace Muslim people in Syria. To this day, he is responsible for endless suffering of millions of Syrians.


Chemical weapons attacks, barrel bombs, missiles, internationally banned bombs and weaponry–all used to harm and kill civilians in Syria, by Bashar al Assad and his war criminal partner, Putin of Russia.


We ask that you remember these facts and do not suffocate the truth, as the children, babies, and families were suffocated by chemical weapons. Speak up!


Speak the truth.


The genocide continues to this day! What will you do to help stop the ongoing massacre?

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