Muhammad Najem

Every child has the right to exercise his natural childhood

Every child has the right to exercise his natural childhood



Every child has the right to exercise his natural childhood, and to get the rights that guarantee him a healthy and bright future.

Every child has the right to a healthy and happy childhood. It is important that you do your part in providing them with this opportunity.

All children are born with the right to exercise their natural childhood and get their rights guaranteed a healthy and bright future.

Every child deserves to grow up in a safe environment and enjoy all the opportunities for a healthy and productive childhood, including access to quality education, nutritious food, medical support, appropriate clothing, socialization and recreation. They also have the right to be protected from abuses such as commercial exploitation or harmful cultural practices. And every child has the right to learn about human rights and play an active part in their community.

The enjoyment of these rights is essential for the growth and well-being of every child. It will enable him to develop his personality and maximize his potential in the earliest stage of life.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child guarantees children certain rights, including play and leisure, education, and protection from violence.

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