Muhammad Najem

Graphic Video! Violent Murders of Syrian Civilians

Graphic Video! Violent Murders of Syrian Civilians


Are there words that can explain the horrors of this video?


The army of Assad, the ones tasked with “protecting” the Homeland of Syria–they are the most brutal of criminals.


If you can watch this video without tears, without your stomach turning, are you human?


The almost 300 men, 12 women, and seven children from the Syrian city of Tadamon in 2013 were bound, blindfolded, shot to death, (or stabbed), and buried in a massive pit where their bodies were burned.


The main criminal in this video is Amjad Youssef who laughed as he kicked the trusting victims into the hole and shot them as they fell. He is still in Assad’s military.


This video is not for young eyes or weak hearts.


These are true war crimes, crimes against humanity, the unthinkable!


Nearly 300 innocent civilians were murdered that day, and the killers live on to continue their brutal crimes at will, as free men.


I ask you, my friends, to never forget these images. These types of war crimes have happened over and over again in Syria, perpetrated by the Assad regime.


The day of reckoning must come soon.


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