Muhammad Najem

Rescue Mission: How Children are Pulled from the Rubble

Rescue Mission: How Children are Pulled from the Rubble

Rescue Mission a Footage of Syria Civil Defense team, (the White Helmets), and civilians working diligently to rescue those trapped under the earthquake rubble in Syria.

They recover the dead.

They rescue the living.

It is especially joyous to see them finding children alive and pulling them out safely. To hear a baby cry is the best sound they can hear.

But heartbreaking to watch when they cannot find a pulse, and know that another child did not make it.

The situation is dire, and precarious. They lack tools and equipment, clothing for the cold, fuel for the ambulances, hospitals, and hospital staff.

Everything is needed right now.

Thousands are now without homes, adding to the crisis situation that was already in place before the quakes.


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