# Inside this_basement
Humanity took off its soldiers to try to warm the children and their mothers in the eastern Ghouta after the whole world gave up here. Children, women and the elderly are hiding here for fear of shelling. One of the women here will talk to us about why they are hiding here.
خلعت الانسانية ردائها لتحاول تدفئة الاطفال وامهاتهم داخل الغوطة الشرقية بعد ان تخلى عنهم العالم بأسره هنا في هذا المكان يختبئ الاطفال والنساء والشيوخ خوفا من القصف سوف تحدثنا احد النساء هنا لماذا هم يختبئون هنا
“The Assad regime is using chlorine gas against civilians in eastern Damascus Today the city of Douma was hit by three rockets filled with chlorine gas. Please take a selfie covering your mouth, stand in solidarity with the victims of this attack. Use the hashtag #Doumasuffocating