Muhammad Najem

Syrian Family Reunites After 12 Years of Separation

Syrian Family Reunites After 12 Years of Separation


Ammar Sheikh Haidar, a Syrian man from Masyaf, Hama countryside was finally reunited in Turkey with his daughter and wife after 12 years of separation!


He is the brother of the former head of reconciliation for the Assad regime, Ali Haidar.


He spoke out against the regime and was arrested, put in prison in 2010 and released 2011. He was arrested again for protesting in the Arab Spring in 2011. He fled to Lebanon and was threatened there by Hezbollah.


In 2015 he traveled to Turkey, where he resides today.


His family was forced to move to Jordan due to the danger of the situation. He tried to get them safe travels to Turkey but could not.


He filed an asylum application in Canada for his family and himself. After waiting for a response from the Canadian Consulate, he lost hope and went on a hunger strike in May of 2019, where he became underweight and sickly. He continued to publicly lobby in Istanbul to make everyone aware of the situation.


On June 21st, 2021, the family was reunited in Istanbul. His family flew in from Jordan to meet him at the airport, and he greeted them with scarves of the Syrian revolution flag and bouquets of red roses.

2 responses to “Syrian Family Reunites After 12 Years of Separation”

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